Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Finally some snow!

We have had a pretty snowless Winter so far here in my neck of the woods. We finally had some snow stick on the ground and Abby was rarin' to go play in it. I made her wait until after school, but she pretty much came in the door and went straight for her snow clothes. Sophie, of course, wanted to go play as well. We don't have quite as much gear for Sophie as we do for Abby, but she didn't complain.

Abby wanted to make a snow angel - so down she went. I think she did it a couple of times. I don't really like laying in the snow, so I didn't join her. I even saw Sophie trying to imitate Abby. It pretty much consisted of her laying down and kicking her feet for a couple of seconds, then getting back up. I'm not sure she really got the point yet . . .

Abby tried to throw snowballs at Sophie, but I nipped that in the bud. I told her it was okay to throw them at Po, however. He's pretty quick in the snow, though. He leaps through the gigantic snow drifts like a pro. I think Abby got close to hitting him once, but that's about it. Abby was chasing him around saying "I'm gonna get you Po!" and Sophie toddled after with her own version "I go getchoo!". They were both pretty excited.

Sophie decided it was a good idea to play with her pool floatie in the snow. At least it made for a cute picture. Abby later filled it with snow and made a snow cupcake. I'm not sure how that makes a cupcake, but I don't usually question Abby's unusual statements.

After letting Po back in from going potty this morning, I decided it was time for a haircut for the dog. What do you think? Look at those legs!!


Steven & Adrienne said...

Looks like the girls had a lot of fun...and come on no snow angel, where is that crazy Kristy that used to roll down the hill with us at college!

And yes Po does need a little bit of a trim.

Chatty Family said...

Love the picture of Po! Hey, the Christmas card I sent you came back! Email me your new address (if that is what happened): melissa.chatterton@gmail.com. Happy Holidays!