Friday, December 18, 2009

A Visit from Santa

We went to a family Christmas party at the beginning of the month and Santa showed up to visit the kids! My kids were SO excited - and totally spellbound by Santa. Well, Alice didn't care too much, but the other two thought he was pretty awesome. I didn't get the best pictures - but I'm hoping to get some from other people's cameras to make up for what I'm missing.

Sophie was enthralled by Santa, but pretty scared at first. She wouldn't give Santa a hug at the beginning - or even sit on the floor with the other kids while he read "The Night Before Christmas". She warmed up eventually.

Abby has been pretty faithful in asking for a Barbie and a Polly for Christmas. At least she isn't waffling and leaving Santa guessing!

Alice smiled for the camera while sitting on Santa's lap - unfortunately it wasn't for my camera. Here's a token picture of her looking cute anyway.

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