Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Playing Outside

I'm so glad the weather has been cooperating lately. The kids LOVE going outside to play and I enjoy it too. The only problem is Sophie. She cries every time the door opens and she doesn't get to go out.

I think it is a neat new thing for her. I didn't have her walk around outside while it was cold, and she didn't get to wander around while it was warm because she wasn't walking then. So, it's this whole new world to explore. She wants to go out all the time, but I can't let her go out alone because she'll get into all sorts of bad things. She even gets upset when I let the dog go out but not her. So irrational!

Sophie climbs onto Abby's bike (pseudo big wheel) all the time and scoots around on it. It's really fun. I need a swingset or something for the girls to play on. They'd like that. My parents have a swingset and Abby thinks it's the park.

Abby likes to set up camp chairs and everything else and make it into some make-believe place. She made a pirate ship today and the other day she set it up and showed me her new house. It's funny.


On Our List said...

The picture of Sophie on the swing is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I am now going to go buy one of those seats for my swing set so Jackson can swing. I am so glad it is warming up...we will need to go for some walks outside.

Love ya,

On Our List said...

What are you talking about? You totally swear...if I remember right that is how we became friends with Brooke because you dropped the Bomb word. I don't need the X-rating on my blog so
*%$@#! to you .

Steven & Adrienne said...

The girls look so cute! We'll have to have a play date sometime, maybe during spring that I don't go insane with the kids for a whole week! Swing sets are fun, wish we had room for one. Hey Emily lines the chairs up also but her and the boys pretend it is a bus or a train everytime...maybe it is a Jensen thing. Hey could you tell Sharon to stop swearing everywhere she goes! Hee Hee

Unknown said...

Your daughters are too cute! I am sure your baby will be running out the door before you know it. How funny that a winter indoors has made her unsure of what lurks outside!
I noticed in reading your blog that you thought your girls would enjoy a swingset. Being a mother with a little princess myself, I know how little girls love to pretend and play. I work for CedarWorks, a high quality swingset company in the Northeast. Our swingsets are perfect for families with multiple children offering a variety of fun things for your girls to get into. They are made of Northern White Cedar and (my favorite part) are splinter free! If your girls are anything like mine, they do not like when mommy has to get the tweezers out to remove a splinter.
Also, these sets can be customized for your needs. You can design a set and play around with optional features at our website:
I wish you the best with those girls and feel free to let me know if you have any questions about our swingsets!
Liz Renter