Monday, April 18, 2011

Losing It - in more ways than one!

This morning was hard for me.  I've felt super emotional all morning - cranky, throwing things, you know - not a fun person.  (* please note, I didn't throw anything AT anybody) I'm hungry and tired and I feel like I don't actually ever get anything done.  It's probably PMS, but I've never really noticed it before - so it's hard to say if that's what it is.  Hormones suck.  Work is lame right now, I don't have anything to do since my company hasn't signed a new client in ages.  So I sit at the computer waiting for work to come, while I don't actually DO anything.  My house gets messier and messier and my kids just get neglected.  (I have yet to find a good balance with work and home because not sitting at the computer waiting for work makes me feel tremendously guilty.)

Anyway, I got a package in the mail today - some new clothes, and that helped lighten my mood a bit.  They actually all fit and looked pretty decent, so that's a big plus.  I've been needing new clothes, because I've been losing weight over the last 7 months.  I'm going to actually post a few pictures of myself, just so I can see that I've been making progress and that it is really worth it.  I'm doing the HCG diet with a homeopathic version of the HCG.  It takes a lot of discipline, and I think I've proven to do pretty well at it.  I'm just getting really tired of my limited foods right now.  Maybe my body is just getting close to where it wants to be, I don't know.  I've been more hungry than before and had WAY more thoughts of quitting this limited 500 calorie phase earlier than planned.

That's about it.  Here's some pictures.  (Please excuse my messy room.  Like I said earlier, I'm not getting anything done around here.)  I've lost nearly 70 pounds on this diet.


ckm said...

AMAZING. You are an inspiration and you look beautiful. Keep it up (off) ;o) xoxo

Swift family said...

You look great! I think you are amazing and your family is really lucky to have you.

Christina said...

Gorgeous! Way to exhibit self-control (I need to get me some of that). :)

Unknown said...

Thanks ladies - I guess I just needed some validation. :) This diet really is all about self-control, but it has been much easier having Tom on the journey with me. It also helps me that the diet is very strict and I know EXACTLY what to do - that way my judgement doesn't screw things up.

Steven & Adrienne said...

You look amazing Kristy, and I am so impressed that you and Tom have stuck to your diets so well. Don't give up! And with the balance of housework/work I don't know how you do it. It is hard enough for me just to keep up on the housework, without having to do a full time job. You are a supermom!!!

Chatty Family said...

Wow! You look great! 500 calories is pretty strict, but it looks like it is paying off. Hang in there. We all have to let some things go every once in a while (like laundry!)

Andrea Landaker said...

For PMS, taking B6 and fish oil seems to help me, but it could just be placebo.

Congrats on your diet! :-)

MaryAnn said...

When ever I see you I think you look great. I'm proud of you guys for doing so great on your diet. I don't know how you do it all with work and taking care of your kids and the house. You're amazing.