Wednesday, August 18, 2010


We have a lot of people we pray for in our daily prayers. We pray for Daddy and Uncle Jeff to find good jobs. We also pray for Grandma Jensen's foot to get all better. We recently added Grandma Ludlow to our list of people to pray for. Today in our breakfast prayer I prayed that Grandma Ludlow's cancer would go away. After prayer Sophie looked at me a little puzzled and asked why Grandma should lose her cancer. She quickly followed up asking, "Is cancer good or bad?" When I told her it was bad she understood. It's fun to see the workings of her little growing brain. For those of you that don't know (I know there aren't a lot of people who read this), my mom's colon cancer reappeared in her right lung. It hasn't spread anywhere else, thankfully, but we need to get rid of this vestige of that awful disease. Please keep her in your prayers too.


Chatty Family said...

My mom forwarded an email sent out by your dad a little while ago. Your mom has been in my prayers ever since and on the Columbus, OH temple prayer rolls. Hopefully she will make a FULL recovery. Thinking of her, and you all during this time...

Steven & Adrienne said...

Oh my goodness Kristy, I had no idea. We will defintely keep her in our prayers, and keep you and the rest of your family in our prayers. I know she will beat this nasty disease again.

ckm said...

I love your mom. Someday, when I grow up, I want to be just like her. She (and all of you) is definitely in our prayers.