Friday, October 23, 2009

Last Minute Trip

We made a last minute trip to San Diego for UEA weekend. We had thought about going but ruled it out because it was a long drive and wouldn't have enough time to do it justice - but then most of Tom's family decided to go and we jumped on the bandwagon! We left Thursday morning and came back on Sunday.

Abby LOVED jumping the waves with her cousins

Sophie was NOT a fan of the ocean, but she enjoyed playing in the sand over by the shower

We had fun at the beach on Friday. It was the first time for our girls to see the ocean. I was really good and kept Alice in the shade, yet she still mysteriously ended up with a sunburn. (It only lasted a day or so.) She is such a sunburn magnet!!!

I furiously searched for something close by and cheap to visit, so we made a visit to Mission San Luis Rey Saturday morning. It was my first visit to a mission and it was pretty neat. It was interesting trying to tell Abby a little bit about there being different religions. We haven't had the need to explain much outside of our Utah bubble so far with her. (Of course, most 5 year olds don't notice that much about different religions anyway.) We spent some good time with Tom's cousins. It was good to see them again. The girls had a blast with SO many cousins around.

We also made it to the BYU-SDSU football game. BYU won, so it was pretty great. Tom's mother also graciously watched all of the grandkids while we went to the game.

All three girls did fabulous in the car during our long drive. I was so proud of them and am even willing to go far away for a trip again sometime! There was minimal fighting and crying. Alice was as good as a baby could possibly be. I think I got lucky!

This was the best "in the car" picture of Alice I could get with my vantage point.


On Our List said...

Isn't the ocean the best? I think we are going to Cali for spring break. We should met up on the beach. The kids would have a blast.

Andrea Landaker said...

So cool! Glad you got a fun vacation! Alice is at just the right age for car trips -- old enough to be mollified, but young enough not to want to run around all the time. :-)

jaredandangela said...

Hey so I just noticed that you have a blog from seeing Aaron and Maren's blog and I clicked on yours to see that mine was on yours too! :) You guys were here without us knowing! I'm glad that you guys came on a warm weekend if you were going to go to the beach. I could have given you the lowdown as to all the good local places around here. We were at the game too! Bummer we didn't see you guys. Glad you had fun while you were here. Your girls are too cute! -Angela