Monday, August 3, 2009

Alice turns 1/2

My baby hit six months old yesterday! Time goes by so fast--it doesn't seem like she's supposed to be this old yet. Alice has been such a good baby - she's a great sleeper, a great eater, and a pretty happy baby. She's been more of a momma's girl than my other two - sort of flattering for me - but I think it makes her aunts/uncles/grandparents a little disappointed. She's started making lots of sounds lately babababa mamama and lots of shrieks. Alice has been experimenting with being on her hands and knees, rocking back and forth and whatnot. I wouldn't be surprised if she started crawling in the next few weeks. But maybe she'll surprise me and hold off. I've wondered if it would be easier if my girls were late crawlers rather than early ones. I guess maybe I'll find out. Maybe.

I wanted to take some cute pictures of Alice in her church clothes for this post. But I forgot - and she took a 4 1/2 hour nap - so all I have are these pictures of her in her onesie at the end of the day. It's okay, though, she's still cute.

1 comment:

ckm said...

Wow! Already?! Why can't pregnancy go that quickly! She is a cutie!