Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Tom?

Tom had his birthday last Friday.  I confess, I didn't do a very good job of making it a great day.  He did get a delicious omelet in bed, though.  At least we started the day off right.  Sophie and I did some decorating and we even made a sign.  We went out to eat the night before, so birthday dinner was pretty uneventful - and unplanned.  I find myself doing that a LOT lately.  Dinner time rolls around and I have no clue what to make.  I ought to work on that.

I did get him a new video card, so that's been a good gift.  Anyway, here are some pictures.  Maybe next year I'll feel like doing something more.  (He did get to have a party/hang out night with his brothers on the day after his birthday - so hopefully it felt more festive for him.)  And the camera wasn't working for blowing out the candles.  This is about the only picture I've got.  I'm terrible.

1 comment:

ckm said...

I'm lame too. At least I'm in good company with you!
Tom looks GREAT!