Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Not much to say, but I'll say it anyway

Things are pretty good around here. We haven't had anything too eventful happen - so I haven't blogged for quite a while. I guess that means Sophie has been relatively good. At least she hasn't smeared any gooey substances all over her body or poured out an entire cereal box or anything.

We have been sort of potty training Sophie this last week or so. She doesn't quite get it yet, so I'm not ready to commit to have her in panties all the time. She goes on the potty one or two times a day and is really excited when she actually does something. We give her a little lollipop and that makes her pretty darn happy. At least she is figuring out what the feelings are that go along with using a potty.

Alice cut her first tooth yesterday - FINALLY!!! I'm pretty sure she has been teething for the last three months or so. I don't mind the no teeth part, I just get frustrated always thinking there could be a tooth any time!

That's about it for today. Maybe I'll get some good pictures tomorrow at our various Thanksgiving venues. Then I could have something worthwhile to blog about.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Another Halloween has come and gone and I'm doing surprisingly well curbing my candy craving! We had a fun Halloween party Friday night at Laura's house. The kids had a lot of fun and us adults found a way to enjoy ourselves as well.

I don't think we really were successful at getting the kids to look at the camera at the same time - but at least they are all on the couch together!

Paige popping her balloon

Hayley working her balloon over

Abby prepping herself for the balloon pop

The kids played a fun game with popping balloons and getting people to guess what they had on their paper from inside. They also got to make some haunted gingerbread houses. None of them would win any awards - but the kids had fun nonetheless. Ethan is getting a bit too smart for his britches, though. He made a minimal structure, a scout tent, then piled as much candy as he could on his plate!

I was happy to get another use out of the monkey costume I made for Abby when she was a baby. Alice has great little chubby monkey cheeks!

We lazed around on Saturday until it was time to show off to the grandparents. We made quick visits to both sets of grandparents, then back to our neighborhood for some trick-or-treating. The kids were SO excited, of course.

Alice went with Tom and the other girls for a few houses and was ready for bed. Amazingly, she went to sleep and stayed asleep through all the doorbell ringing and knocking! I made chili and cornbread in between answering the door for all the trick-or-treaters. There were some cute costumes. I had one guy come by himself, not dressed in a costume - he was probably college age. I thought afterwards that I shouldn't have given him anything. Oh well. I guess if he is that much of a loser I can spare a cheap piece of candy for him.

Halloween is lots of fun. I should have dressed up. I LOVE dressing up - at least if I don't look too stupid. I just don't like being the only adult dressed in costume. Our ward doesn't have a Halloween party either, so I wouldn't have many occasions to show off my efforts. Maybe next year . . .