Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jumpin' for Joy

(We're growing out Sophie's bangs, but it usually ends up like this!)

Tom decided to go buy a trampoline on Monday evening. Who knew it would be SO difficult to get the springs onto that thing? Sometimes it's good to read the instructions on these sorts of things - after attaching several springs and finding it to be WAY too hard, we looked at the instructions and found out the real way to do it. We took off a bunch we had put on and did it the right way. Much Better! The girls absolutely adore the trampoline. Abby wants to jump on it all the time. I lay down on it yesterday and soaked in the sunshine. It was great!

Sophie has only fallen off of it once - so that's good, right?? It actually came with an enclosure, but remember nobody read the instructions until the springs were going on. So, the poles with the holes for the enclosure to bolt into are not in the right spots. The only way to put the enclosure on is to take the legs off and re-position them. Yuck. Should we just wait for another person to fall off to decide if the enclosure is worth the hassle? (Typing that out makes it sound like a bad idea . . . )

Anyway, the trampoline is lots of fun and will be good exercise for these little girls. At least it seems to help them fall asleep faster at night!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Good luck on the falling asleep part :)