So, we're doing a contest to lose weight these days. We started on January 2nd and I'm almost down 20 pounds. I think that's pretty good. I want to lose about 50 more at least, so I have a long way to go still. I'm not doing anything fancy, just old fashioned exercise and eating right. I'm hoping to make this a habit and not go back to my old ways. It's nice when I can start getting into my old jeans again.
Work has been a little hectic. I like the extra money that comes with more hours, but I feel bad about ignoring the girls while I work. They are good sports, though. Luckily, Sophie still takes really good naps. She still gets tired after being awake for 2-3 hours. She's kind of a wimp and needs her beauty rest.
Abby does some of the funniest things. Sometimes, when we're in the car, Abby complains that she can't get "comfy". She gets really upset and squirms around trying to find a better position on her booster seat. I always ask if she needs to go potty and she vehemently denies it. She usually will ask for a blanket or a pillow or something. (I never have what she wants.) A few minutes later she'll, inevitably, say she really has to go potty and we'd better get home quickly. She's silly. Abby doesn't want to go potty on someone else's terms.
Sophie is still such a little girl. She's still wearing a lot of 12 month clothes - and she's 14 months old now. So, I often forget that she is actually growing a bit and is getting better at reaching things. She keeps pulling things off the table and making a mess. I left Abby's mostly eaten Cafe Rio food on the table then left the room for a while. Sophie wandered over and pulled it down onto the chair. She then decided to grab the fork and attempt to finish it off while nobody was looking. Po tried to help out, but he isn't really tall enough. It was funny to see her holding the fork trying to get more out.
Anyway, things are good here, but completely disorganized. I'll get things in hand one of these days . . .