Okay, I thought maybe having my own blog would be sort of therapeutic. Hopefully it'll help me express myself in a different sort of way.
I've been at home with the kids a lot lately, so I feel like my vocabulary is going downhill. They don't use very many big words on Handy Manny or Dora. Speaking of kids' tv, I've noticed that I turn it on even when Abby isn't around. Maybe it's just that daytime tv is just shy of horrible, but my shows of choice tend to be the same as a three year old's. I'd watch the big kid cartoons if they were on, but I'm stuck with the preschool ones. Oh well.
Have you ever noticed how much easier it is to tell somebody something in writing than in person? I've always had a difficult time expressing my feelings in person. I'm sure it's a fear of rejection thing. You also have the opportunity to delete something if it didn't come out right. You can't really say "scratch that" in conversation and have the person actually forget it.
That's my first post. I know it isn't really anything particularly interesting--but I'm not expecting anybody to actually read this. It's another form of journaling perhaps. Maybe I'll save it and show it to my grandkids so they can see how I used to be.